How to tame a foster cat
|Recently, despite my husband’s great love for cats, he developed severe adult onset asthma. His cat allergy that he always just kind of dealt with now became triggers for full on asthma attacks. We had enjoyed being cat fosters, since it was like having never ending kittens on loan and it was very rewarding be able to watch scared kitties blossom into confident playful kitties. I was able to put all my years of knowledge in animal behaviour to good use. But now we can no longer have cats in the house.
As our era of fostering came to an end I was pleasantly surprised to learn from our coordinator that they were impressed by just how fast and how much we transformed our foster kitties. I was asked to coach new cat fosters who understandably get overwhelmed at first. As I began answering emails, I realized that the same information would be helpful to anyone who’s trying to tame a cat, so why not write a post about it.