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PhD Jobs Opportunity with Thomson Reuters

After a long hiatus, we’re back with more tips and info on life after PhD!  What better way to get started again then with a PhD job opportunity for you PhD candidates out there.

Just got an email today from a Technology Associate at Thomson Reuters.

Thomson reuters phd jobs opportunity fulltime internship

If you are not familiar with Thomson Reuters, they describe themselves as “the world’s leading source of intelligent information for businesses and professionals in various industries such as finance, legal, tax and scientific research.”

Right now they are offering two opportunities, one full time and one internship, for what they call  high-caliber PhD students in quantitative fields. They claim they only take on students from select schools, so if you go to one of the big name schools, you are in luck!

·         Technology Associates Program (TAP) (full-time): TAP is a high touch 27 month rotational program in which newly-qualified PhDs have three rotations of nine months, across various Thomson Reuters businesses.

·         Technology Summer Associates Program (TSAP) (intern): TSAP is a 10 week summer internship for PhD candidates and acts as a feeder to the fulltime rotational program.

“Both programs are aimed at identifying and developing future technology leaders who have the experience, competencies and potential to drive success in our organization.” From the website, the types of PhDs they are looking for are the quantitative type: so CS, Math, Stat, EE and the like. For us life science people, looks like we’re out… but it doesn’t hurt to try.

If you are in Michigan, they are hosting an info event at the end of October. If you are not in Michigan (which I’m not anymore) but is interested in learning more, let me know and I’ll send you the program descriptions and candidate profiles.

Later today, I’ll be going to a PhD Career Panel at the University of British Columbia, so stay tuned for more PhD jobs.

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