Third Virtual Job Summit at
Back in school I’ve noticed how there are many career fairs aimed at Engineering and Business School students, but there aren’t many aimed at Biology students. While many engineers and MBAs have a good idea of what career opportunities are out there for them, Biology students often feels stuck between med school and grad school, knowing of only a few big name pharmaceutical companies as possible routes for going into “industry”. I believe the lack of campus presence of biology career reps are part of what’s responsible for the gap of information between biology students and the real world of opportunities out there.
If your school does not offer much career opportunities for biology majors, you are in luck because next is hosting its third Virtual Job Summit (October 3rd and 4th).
This is a career fair created exclusively for life scientists. Even if you are not actively searching for a job yet, you can browse through the attending employers to get an idea of what opportunities are out there. To gain more information, and to apply for a job, you can interact with recruiters live on video, in the comfort of your own home.
For those of you who are currently in the job market, know that this is a great opportunity to get your resume seen by interested employers. According to Nick Folger, Bio Careers® President, “Jobseekers can submit their résumé and sign up for a video chat with hiring managers when the event goes live on October 3rd and 4th. After employers have reviewed the résumés and information of jobseekers who visited their booths, they schedule longer video interviews with candidates later in October.”
There is an impressive list of employers attending the Virtual Job Summit, including top U.S. and international employers like Covance, National Academies, Kelly Scientific, St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, Propel Careers, Stanford, Columbia, University of Texas, Stony Brook, City of Hope and others.
It’s free, it helps you pave the way to your future. I personally have found the past Virtual Job Summits to be quite informative and helpful not only in planing my career path, but also in learning the current industry trends. There’s every reason to attend. To visit the booth, a detailed step by step instruction can be found here.
A million thanks for pstoing this information.