Have your own organization, company, website, or anything with a unique name, logo, or tagline? Or do you plan to start something soon? Then developing and protecting
Yes, real telekinesis! After posting the awesome sounding internship to work on 3D augmented reality stuff, I remembered how cool all this human computer interaction is. I first
Since leaving grad school, I began indulging in all the things I’ve always wanted to do but never did due to time constraints. Really, it was more that
Discoveries are made all the time in academic research. Like a wolf pack marking its territory or a bacteria colony growing across its culture medium, each scientific discovery
I recently connected with my graduate school at University of Michigan, offering to provide insights for students who are interested in career opportunities outside of academia. In my
From time to time I would see beautiful hand writing in random places: small notes left by students, chalkboard or white board signs in public places, random graffiti
Most of us have experienced this. You are working on your paper/grant/thesis, you finally come upon THE perfect article to cite. The abstract hints at things that would
How much money can you make in academia? Graduate students getting a Ph.D. make around $20,000 a year. Post doctoral students make around $40,000 a year. Assistant Professor